W2H: How to upgrade from W2H 3.0/3.1 to W2H 3.2

  1. Extract W2H 3.2 in a parallel directory to your current W2H installation

  2. Take your old Cfg.pl as a basis for the new one:

    • Change to the new w2h directory
    • Create a backup copy from Cfg.pl
    • Copy your old Cfg.pl file from W2H 3.0/3.1 into the new directory

  3. run
    % perl util.install
    from the comand line

  4. consider moving the bin subdirectory to a different location (out of the servers cgi-bin path)

  5. (NOTE: this is only for those who still use W2H 3.0; sites using already W2H 3.1 can skip this item):
    Please do the changes described in item no. 5 in the document "How to upgrade from W2H 3.0 to W2H 3.1".

  6. The following 2 extensions have been made to W2H's Cfg.pl since W2H 3.1. Both are optional, but please add them to your Cfg.pl for completeness:

    1. $TELNET_MODE allows using a Java applet

    2. $QUEUES_DEFINITION_TABLE is an alternative (better) way to describe batch queues settings for W2H. For those, already using batch queues, there is a small utility to convert their configuration, however the old configuration is still understood.

    # --- W2H can use a Java applet to make a telnet
    #     connection. The advantage of using this applet is
    #     that users don't need their own telnet application
    #     any more.  The disadvantage is that some firewalls
    #     need a special configuration of telnet
    #     applications, which are not provided by this Java
    #     Telnet.  Possible values: 'java', 'external'
    #     (default: external)
    ##$TELNET_MODE = 'java';
    # --- filename (with full path) where to find the file with the batch
    #     queue definitions for the individual applications (please look for
    #     details in Doc/batches.html)
    ##$QUEUES_DEFINITION_TABLE = "$YA_ROOT/application.queue";

  7. Check the following variables in Cfg.pl, if their values are still valid:

  8. Now you should check whether your Cfg.pl is properly set up: (link to this section in the installation manual)

  9. Now you should install help using the distributed utilities nph-w2h.helpapp and nph-w2h.helpdesc: (link to this section in the installation manual)

  10. Also check a new section of the installation document dealing with tableadmin program. This is quite important! (Note: If you've already changed your genetics script: The proposed change to genetics has been improved.)

  11. Hopefully you're done!

Peter Ernst
Last modified: Mon Mar 19 16:54:31 2001