Peter F. Thall’s Personal Website

Here is a picture of me being a professional biostatistician, which requires computers and dogged determination.


Swimming; walking; trading stock options; nonverbal canine communication; intergalactic exploration; searching for movies worth the time to watch; gourmet cooking; giving terribly useful advice to people who seem to need it; staying in hotels in cities I probably wouldn’t visit if I weren’t attending a conference; collecting not-too-expensive artwork.

Curriculum Vitae

For a copy of my CV, click here.

Book on Dose Finding Designs

Bayesian Designs for Phase I-II Clinical Trials. Y. Yuan, H. Nguyen, and PF Thall. Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series, 2016.

Book on How to Avoid Making Dumb Mistakes

Statistical Remedies for Medical Researchers. PF Thall, Springer Series in Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2020.

This book is for anyone interested in medical research, including biostatisticians, physicians, research nurses, people in the pharmaceutical industry, and employees of federal regulatory agencies. It contains numerous examples of common statistical practices that are deeply flawed. Many have become conventions that, tragically, often are used in the medical literature. For each example, the book provides an alternative approach, which most often is Bayesian. Be sure to buy several copies of this timeless masterpiece to give as Xmas and birthday presents. Your family dog also might like a copy to chew on.

A review of the book by Peter Mueller can be found at this link

New Book

Bayesian Precision Medicine. PF Thall, 2024, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

My third book is about Bayesian methods for identifying personalized treatments. Here is a review by The Mighty Brad Carlin:

“With this latest book, Dr. Thall adds to his reputation as one of the most innovative thinkers in the field of adaptive clinical trial design. This book offers a wide variety of cutting-edge methods in Bayesian precision medicine, all explicated in the context of utility-driven designs that can simultaneously evaluate and trade off treatment safety and efficacy. The book’s unification of standard tools for causal inference with Bayesian methods is very welcome, as is its generous collection of case studies, most drawn from the author’s own extensive statistical consulting portfolio. It is a must-read for students and practitioners in biopharmaceutical statistics who want to see the current frontier of individualized complex innovative trial design.”

Bradley P. Carlin, Cencora-PharmaLex, USA

Upcoming Short Courses

I will be teaching a half day short course, 'Bayesian Methods for Precision Medicine', based on my latest book, at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Nashville, August 2-7, 2025, although the day and time have not yet been set, and also later that month at the annual ISCB meeting in Basel Switzerland, on August 24, 2025.


Some of my publications are given in the links below. All of them are about statistics, probability, medicine, or clinical trials. If you like one of the papers, be sure to tell your family, friends, and relatives about it.

Random Measures With Aftereffects, Annals of Probability, 1978

A theorem on regular infinitely divisible Cox processes. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 16: 205-210, 1983

Two-stage selection and testing designs for comparative clinical trials, Biometrika, 1988

Analysis of recurrent events: nonparametric methods for random interval count data. JASA 83: 339-347, 1988

Poisson likelihood regression models for longitudinal interval count data. Biometrics 44: 197-209, 1988

Some covariance models for longitudinal count data with overdispersion. Biometrics 46: 657-671, 1990.

Test-based variable selection via cross-validation. J Computational and Graphical Stat 1: 41-61, 1992

Practical Bayesian guidelines for phase IIB clinical trials. Biometrics 50: 337-349, 1994

Bayesian sequential monitoring designs for single-arm clinical trials with multiple outcomes. Stat in Med 14:357-379, 1995

Estimating genomic category probabilities from fluorescent in situ hybridization counts with misclassification. JRSS-C (Applied Statistics) 45:431-446, 1996

Variable selection in regression via repeated data splitting. J Comp and Graphical Stat, 6:416-434, 1997

Parametric likelihoods for multiple non-fatal competing risks and death. Stat in Med, 17:999-1016, 1998

Some extensions and applications of a Bayesian strategy for monitoring multiple outcomes in clinical trials. Stat in Med, 17:1563-1580, 1998.

A strategy for dose finding and safety monitoring based on efficacy and adverse outcomes in phase I/II clinical trials. Biometrics 54:251-264, 1998.

Treatment Comparisons Based on Two-Dimensional Safety and Efficacy Alternatives in Oncology Trials, Biometrics 1999

Decision Theoretic Designs for Phase II Clinical Trials with Multiple Outcomes, Biometrics 1999

Accrual strategies for phase I trials with delayed patient outcome, Statistics in Medicine, 1999

Decision Theoretic Designs for Phase II Clinical Trials with Multiple Outcomes, Biometrics 1999

Evaluating multiple treatment courses in clinical trials. Stat in Med, 19: 1011-1028, 2000

Approximate Bayesian Evaluation of Multiple Treatment Effects, Biometrics 56: 213-219, 2000

Decision-Theoretic Designs for Pre-Phase II Screening Trials in Oncology, Biometrics 2001

Dose-Finding Based on Feasibility and Toxicity in T-cell Infusion Trials, Biometrics 2001

Selecting therapeutic strategies based on efficacy and death in multi-course clinical trials. JASA, 97:29-39, 2002

Ethical issues in oncology biostatistics. Stat Meth in Medical Res, 11:429-448, 2002

Seamlessly Expanding a Randomized Phase II Trial to Phase III, Biometrics, 2002

Adaptive Decision Making in a Lymphocyte Infusion Trial, Biometrics, 2002

Monitoring the Rates of Composite Events with Censored Data in Phase II Clinical Trials, Biometrics, 2002

Busulfan systemic exposure relative to regimen-related toxicity and acute graft vs. host disease; defining a therapeutic window for IVBuCy2 in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 8:477-485, 2002

Hierarchical Bayesian approaches to phase II trials in diseases with multiple subtypes. Statistics in Medicine, 22: 763-780, 2003

Dose-finding with two agents in phase I oncology trials. Biometrics, 59:487-496, 2003

Comparison of 100-day mortality rates associated with IV busulfan and cyclophosphamide versus other preparative regimens in allogeneic bone marrow transplant for chronic myelogenous leukemia: Bayesian sensitivity analyses of confounded treatment and center effects. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 33: 1191-1199, 2004.

Dose-finding based on multiple toxicities in a soft tissue sarcoma trial. JASA, 99:26-35, 2004

Dose-finding based on efficacy-toxicity trade-offs. Biometrics, 60:684-693, 2004.

Determining a Maximum-Tolerated Schedule of a Cytotoxic Agent, Biometrics 61, 335–343, 2005

Monitoring event times in early phase clinical trials: some practical issues. Clinical Trials. 2:467-478, 2005

Adaptive dose selection using efficacy-toxicity trade-offs: illustrations and practical considerations. J Biopharm Stat 16:623-638, 2006

A Geometric Approach to Comparing Treatments for Rapidly Fatal Diseases, Biometrics 2006

Continuous Bayesian adaptive randomization based on event times with covariates. Stat in Med, 25:55-70, 2006

Simultaneously optimizing dose and schedule of a new cytotoxic agent. Clinical Trials, 4:113-124, 2007

Bayesian and frequentist two-stage treatment strategies based on sequential failure times subject to interval censoring. Stat in Med 26:4687-4702, 2007.

Adaptive Therapy for Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer: A Randomized Selection Trial of Four Regimens, JNCI, 99:1613-1622, 2007

Phase I/II study of gemtuzumab ozogamicin added to fludarabine, melphalan and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for high-risk CD33 positive myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia. 22:258-264, 2008

Once daily IV busulfan and fludarabine (IV Bu-Flu) compares favorably with IV busulfan and cyclophosphamide (IV BuCy2) as pretransplant conditioning therapy in AML/MDS. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 14:672-684, 2008

A review of phase 2-3 clinical trial designs. Lifetime Data Analysis. 14:37-53, 2008

Determining the effective sample size of a parametric prior. Biometrics. 64:595-602, 2008.

Accounting for patient heterogeneity in phase II clinical trials. Stat in Med 27:2802-2815, 2008

Monitoring late onset toxicities in phase I trials using predicted risks. Biostatistics. 9:442-457, 2008

Patient-Specific Dose Finding Based on Bivariate Outcomes and Covariates, Biometrics, 2008

Bayesian adaptive model selection for optimizing group sequential clinical trials. Stat in Med, 27:5586-5604, 2008.

Bayesian hierarchical mixture model for platelet derived growth factor receptor phosphorylation to improve estimation of progression-free survival in prostate cancer. JRSS-C, 59:19-34, 2010.

Utility-based optimization of combination therapy using ordinal toxicity and efficacy in phase I/II trials. Biometrics. 66:532-540, 2010

Evaluating the impact of prior assumptions in Bayesian biostatistics. Statistics in Biosciences. 2:1-17, 2010

Bayesian models and decision algorithms for complex early phase clinical trials. Statistical Science. 25:227-244, 2010

Defining and ranking effects of individual agents based on survival times of cancer patients treated with combination chemotherapies. Stat in Med, 30:1777-1794, 2011

Optimizing the concentration and bolus of a drug delivered by continuous infusion. Biometrics. 67:1638-1646, 2011

A hybrid geometric phase II-III clinical trial design based on treatment failure time and toxicity. J Stat Planning and Inf. 142:944-955, 2012

Estimating progression-free survival in pediatric brain tumor patients when some progression statuses are unknown. JRSS-C, 61:135-149, 2012

Evaluation of viable dynamic treatment regimes in a sequentially randomized trial of advanced prostate cancer (with discussion). JASA. 107:493-508, (with discussion, pages 509-517; rejoinder, pages 518-520), 2012

Adaptive randomization to improve utility-based dose-finding with bivariate ordinal outcomes. J Biopharmaceutical Stat. 22:785-801, 2012.

Prior effective sample size in conditionally independent hierarchical models. Bayesian Analysis. 7:591-614, 2012.

Bayesian adaptive dose-finding based on efficacy and toxicity. J. Statistical Research. 14:187-202, 2012.

Evaluating joint effects of induction-salvage treatment regimes on overall survival in acute leukemia. JRSS-C. 62:67-83, 2013.

Using joint utilities of the times to response and toxicity to adaptively optimize schedule-dose regimes. Biometrics 69:673-682, 2013.

Using data augmentation to facilitate conduct of phase I/II clinical trials with delayed outcomes. J American Statistical Assoc. 109:525-536, 2014.

Optimizing sedative dose in preterm infants undergoing treatment for respiratory distress syndrome. J American Statistical Assoc. 109:931-943, 2014.

Using effective sample size for prior calibration in Bayesian phase I-II dose-finding. Clinical Trials. 11:657-666, 2014.

A modified adaptive Lasso for identifying interactions in the Cox model with the heredity constraint. Statistics and Probability Letters. 93:126-133, 2014.

Optimization of multi-stage dynamic treatment regimes utilizing accumulated data. Statistics in Medicine, 34:3424-3443, 2015

SMART design, conduct, and analysis in oncology. In Dynamic Treatment Regimes in Practice: Planning Trials and Analyzing Data for Personalized Medicine. E Moodie and M. Kosorok (eds), SIAM. In press.

Some caveats for outcome adaptive randomization in clinical trials. In Modern Adaptive Randomized Clinical Trials: Statistical, Operational, and Regulatory Aspects. A. Sverdlov (ed). Taylor & Francis. 2015.

Bayesian dose-finding in two treatment cycles based on the joint utility of efficacy and toxicity. J American Statistical Assoc. 110:711-722, 2015.

Bayesian nonparametric estimation of targeted agent effects on biomarker change to predict clinical outcome. Biometrics. 71:188-197, 2015.

Comparing radiation modalities for esophageal cancer based on total toxicity burden and disease-free survival. J Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics) 65:273-297, 2016.

A Decision Theoretic Phase I-II Design for Ordinal Outcomes in Two Cycles. Biostatistics 17:304-319, 2016.

Bayesian nonparametric estimation for dynamic treatment regimes with sequential transition times J. American Statistical Assoc. with discussion) 111:921-950, 2016.

Utility-based designs for randomized comparative trials with discrete outcomes. Statistics in Medicine. 35:4285-4305, 2016.

Robust treatment comparison based on utilities of semi-competing risks in non-small-cell lung cancer. J American Statistical Assoc. 112:11-23, 2017.

A decision-theoretic comparison of treatments to resolve air leaks after lung surgery based on nonparametric modeling. Bayesian Analysis. 12(3):639-652, 2017.

Parametric dose standardization for two-agent combinations in a phase I-II trial with ordinal outcomes. J Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics). 66:201-224, 2017.

A simulation study of methods for selecting subgroup-specific doses in phase I trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 16:143-156, 2017.

Bayesian variable selection for a semi-competing risks model with three hazard functions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 112:170-185, 2017.

Clinical trial design as a decision problem. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. (Invited, special issue in honor of Kathryn Chaloner) 33:296-301, 2017.

A simulation study of outcome adaptive randomization in multi-arm clinical trials. Clinical Trials. 14:432-440, 2017.

Bayesian nonparametric statistics: A new toolkit for discovery in cancer research. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 16:414-423, 2017.

A Bayesian machine learning method for optimizing dynamic treatment regimes. J American Statistical Assoc 113:523, 1255-1267, 2018.

Subgroup-specific dose finding in phase I clinical trials based on time to toxicity allowing adaptive subgroup combination. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 17:734-749, 2018.

A utility-based design for randomized comparative trials with ordinal outcomes and prognostic subgroups. Biometrics. 74:1095-1103, 2018.

Bayesian treatment comparison using parametric mixture priors computed from elicited histograms Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 28:404-418, 2019.

Optimizing natural killer cell doses for heterogeneous cancer patients based on multiple event times. J Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics). 68:461-474, 2019.

Bayesian nonparametric survival regression for optimizing precision dosing of intravenous busulfan in allogeneic stem cell transplantation. J Royal Statistical Society, Series C. 68:809-828, 2019.

Bayesian variable selection based on clinical relevance weights in small sample studies - Application to colon cancer. Statistics in Medicine. 38:2228-2247, 2019

A hybrid phase I-II/III clinical trial design allowing dose re-optimization in phase III. Biometrics (with discussion). Biometrics 75:371-381, discussion and rejoinder 382-391, 2019.

Bayesian semiparametric joint regression analysis of recurrent adverse events and survival in esophageal cancer patients. Annals of Applied Statistics. 13:221-247, 2019

An adaptive trial design to optimize dose--schedule regimes with delayed outcomes. Biometrics. 76:304-315, 2020.

A phase I-II design based on periodic and continuous monitoring of ordinal disease severity and the times to toxicity and death. Statistics in Medicine. 39:2035–2050, 2020.

Integration of elicited expert information via a power prior in Bayesian variable selection: application to colon cancer data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 29:541-567, 2020

Comparing Bayesian early stopping boundaries for phase II clinical trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 19:928–939, 2020.

A phase I-II basket trial design to optimize dose-schedule regimes based on delayed outcomes. Bayesian Analysis. 16:179-202, 2021.

Adaptive enrichment designs in clinical trials. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application. (Invited) 8:393–411, 2021.

BAGS: A Bayesian adaptive group sequential trial design with subgroup-specific survival comparisons. (Invited) J American Statistical Association. 116:322-334, 2021.

Murray TA, Thall PF, Schortgen F, Zohar S, Asfar P, Katsahian S. Robust adaptive incorporation of historical control data in design of a randomized controlled trial to evaluate external cooling in treatment of septic shock. Bayesian Analysis 16:825-844, 2021.

Lee J, Thall PF, Msaouel P. Precision Bayesian phase I-II dose-finding based on utilities tailored to prognostic subgroups. Stat in Medicine. 40:5199-5217, 2021.

Park Y, Liu S, Thall PF, Yuan Y. Group sequential enrichment designs based on adaptive regression of response and survival time on baseline biomarkers. Biometrics 78:60–71, 2022.

Lin R, Shi H, Yin G, Thall PF, Yuan Y, Flowers CR. Bayesian hierarchical random-effects meta-analysis and design of phase I clinical trials. Ann Applied Statistics 16:2481-2504, 2022.

Lee J, Thall PF, Lim B, Msaouel P. Utility based Bayesian personalized treatment selection for advanced breast cancer. J Royal Statistical Soc, C. 71:1605–1622, 2022.

Lee J, Thall PF, Msaouel P. Bayesian treatment screening and selection using subgroup-specific utilities of response and toxicity. Biometrics. 79:2458–2473, 2023..

Qing Y, Thall PF, Yuan Y. A Bayesian piecewise exponential phase II design for monitoring a time-to-event endpoint. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 22:34–44, 2023.

Msaouel P, Lee J, Thall PF. Making patient-specific treatment decisions using prognostic variables and utilities of clinical outcomes. Cancers. 2021, 13, 2741. https: // 10.3390/ cancers13112741

Msaouel P, Lee J, Karam JA, Thall PF. A causal framework for making individualized treatment decisions in oncology. Cancers. 14, 3923, 2022.

Msaouel P, Lee J, Thall PF. Interpreting randomized controlled trials. Cancers. 15, 4674, 2023.

Lui A, Lee J, Thall PF, Daher M, Rezvani K, Barar R. A Bayesian feature allocation model for identification of cell subpopulations using CYTOF data. J Royal Statistical Soc, C. 72:718-738, 2023.

Thall PF, Zang Y, Yuan Y. Generalized phase I-II designs to increase long term therapeutic success rate. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 22:692–706, 2023.

Jiang L, Thall PF, Yan F, Kopetz S, Yuan Y. BASIC: A Bayesian adaptive synthetic control design for phase II clinical trials. Clinical Trials. 20:486-496, 2023.

Thall PF, Zang Y, Chapple A, Yuan Y, Lin R, Marin D, Msaouel P. Novel clinical trial designs that optimize dose to improve long-term outcomes. Clinical Cancer Research. 29:4549-4554,2023.

Msaouel P, Lee J, Thall PF. Risk-benefit trade-offs and precision utilities in phase I-II clinical trials. Clinical Trials. 21(3):287–297, 2024.

Thall, et al.. Current issues in dose-finding designs: A response to the US Food and Drug Administrations’s Oncology Center of Excellence Project Optimus. Clinical Trials. 21(3):267–272, 2024.

Zang Y, Thall P, Yuan Y. A generalized phase 1-2-3 design integrating dose optimization with confirmatory treatment comparison. Biometrics. 80(1) ujad022, 2024.

Yang Y, Cheng Y, Thall PF, Wahed A. GO-SMART: Generalized outcome-adaptive sequential multiple assignment randomized trial. Biometrics. 80(1) ujad022, 2024.

Wang S, Thall PF, Takeds K, Yuan Y. ROMI: a randomized two-stage basket trial design to optimize doses for multiple indications. Biometrics. 80(4) ujae105, 2024.