Test data is provided in the package. You can type the following commands in the command line to run FamSeq: 1. extract files from the compressed file: tar xvf FamSeq1.0.1.tar.gz 2. go to source file directory and compile the source file cd FamSeq/src/ #CPU version make #GPU version If you have CUDA-enabled GPUs in your computer. make -f makefile.gpu # if you use MacOS 10.8 with XCode 5, or an error like "unsupported option '-dumpspecs'" occurs when compiling, use the following command to compile make -f makefile.gpu.clang 3. run the test data #CPU version ./FamSeq vcf -vcfFile ../TestData/test.vcf -pedFile ../TestData/PDF01.ped -output test.FamSeq.vcf -v #GPU version ./FamSeqCuda vcf -vcfFile ../TestData/test.vcf -pedFile ../TestData/PDF01.ped -output test.FamSeq.vcf -v