W2H: How to upgrade from W2H 3.2 to W2H 4.0

(if you still run W2H 3.0 or W2H 3.1, please check the upgrade to 3.2 document)

  1. Extract W2H 4.0 in a parallel directory of your current W2H installation

  2. Take your old Cfg.pl as a basis for the new one:

    • Change to the new w2h directory
    • Create a backup copy from Cfg.pl
    • Copy your old Cfg.pl file from W2H 3.2 into the new directory

  3. run
    % perl util.install
    from the comand line

  4. consider moving the bin subdirectory to a different location (out of the servers cgi-bin path)

  5. The following extension has been made to W2H's Cfg.pl since W2H 3.2. The change is optional, but please add it to your Cfg.pl for completeness:

    • $PS2PDF allows PostScript to PDF conversion by using the ps2pdf script (shipped with recent versions of Ghostscript (gs))

    #     if 'ps2pdf' is available (part of 'gs' (ghostscript)), W2H can translate
    #     postscript documents into PDF format (used in GIF manager and GCG help pages)
    ## $PS2PDF = '/usr/local/bin/ps2pdf';

  6. Check the following variables in Cfg.pl, if their values are still valid:

  7. Now you should check whether your Cfg.pl is properly set up: (link to this section in the installation manual)

  8. Now you should install help using the distributed utilities nph-w2h.helpapp and nph-w2h.helpdesc: (link to this section in the installation manual)

  9. Hopefully you're done!

Peter Ernst
Last modified: Mon Mar 19 16:52:49 2001