Stat 547: Survival Analysis
E. Neely Atkinson
Department of Biostatistics, M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center
Xuelin Huang
Department of Biostatistics, M. D. Anderson Cancer
- Class description:
- This class covers the basics of survival (time to event) analysis. We
will cover basic estimation and testing as well as modeling.
- The emphasis in this class is on the practical aspects of survival
analysis. We will use both SAS and R.
- The final course grade will be based on homework (approximately one per
week), a midterm exam, and a final project. The weighting will be
approximately homework 10%, midterm 45%, final 45%.
- Text: Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated
Analysis, Klein and Moeschberger, 2nd ed.
- Time and place: 1:00 - 2:20 Wednesdays/Fridays, HB 22.
- Office hours: DH 2099, after class.
- Blog: To facilitate communication among class members, we have
established a web log at By posting
comments you can ask questions, make suggestions, share useful information,
- Homework:
- Feel free to work in groups. Several people can hand in one assignment.
- Assignment 1, due Wednesday 1/14/2009. Chap. 2, exercises 2.13, 2.15,
2.17, 2.19 *hint
- Assignment 2, due Wednesday 1/21/2009. Chap. 3, exercises 3.1, 3.3, 3.5,
- Assignment 3, due Wednesday 2/4/2009. Chap. 4, exercises 4.1, 4.3, 4.5,
4.7, 4.9
- Assignment 4, due Wednesday 2/18/2009. Chap. 7, exercises 7.3 a & b,
7.5, 7.7, 7.9. Hint: all exercises can be done with procedures available in
R. If R does not have exactly what the book wants, use the closest
equivalent, e.g. Peto-Peto version of the Gehan test or using coxph to test
for trend.
- Assignment 5, due Friday 3/27/2009. Chap. 8, exercises 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
- Assignment 6, due Wednesday 4/8/2009. Chap. 8, exercise 8.11, Chap. 9,
exercises 9.4, 9.5. Note: The data for Exercise 8.11 does not have a variable
indicating if infants were breast fed or not at birth. Please use the use the 13th variable,
Month the child was weaned, i.e. let Z=0 if Month the child was weaned=0, and Z=1 otherwise.
Another confusing point about the data is the time when a child was hospitalized for pneumonia.
Please use the first variable (Age child had pneumonia, months), and ignore the last variable (Age child in the hospital for pneumonia, months). If you have done the analysis using the last one, you do not have to redo it. The two variables will give roughly the same conclusions. You can use any tie-handling method, not necessarily the discrete method as instructed by the authors.
- R code:
- Computing mean residual life: mrl.R
- Chapter 2 selected exercises: exercises.2.R
- Chapter 4: section
2, section 3,
section 3, section 4, section 5, median, section 6, section 7
- Chapter 7: section
2, section 3 ,
, section 4 ,
section 5 , section 6 , section 7 , section 7 (continued)
, tab.surv.R
- hazard estimation: est.haz.R , est.haz.2.R , est.haz.3.R , est.haz.4.R , est.haz.5.R , est.haz.6.R
- Chapter 5: doubly censored
data, interval
censored data
- Documents for Using SAS and R:
- Announcements:
- I did not mean for the homework for chapter 4 to consume your lives. Do
what you can. If a problem is taking too much time, just describe the
approach you would take. The point is to learn the techniques. Here are my
solutions. They are not pretty and they do not always agree with the book.
- A helpful student pointed out that R contains a cumsum function, so a
lot of my code is excessively verbose. Sorry.
- The datasets from the text are available from CRAN as package KMsurv.
These contain the same errors and inconsistencies as those from the
authors's website.
- I will hand out the midterm Wednesday, February 25. It will be due back
Wednesday, March 11 at the beginning of class. It will be take home, open
book, open notes, open Internet, etc., but no working together, please.
- Midterm:
- Here's the midterm, if you want
to go ahead and get started. I will have hard copies available in class
- Here are
the solutions to the midterm. We will go over these in class Wednesday,
March 18, 2009.
- Final Exam:
- An optional problem for final exam.