Kim-Anh Do, Ph.D.

Ph.D. (Statistics, Stanford)
B.Sc. (First class honours, Mathematics, University of Queensland)
B.Sc. ( Maths & Computer Science, University of Queensland)

Department of Biostatistics, MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Adjunct Professor,
Department of Statistics, Rice University.
Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University.

Areas of Interest

Awards and Honors

Statistical consulting

By appointment only. Please contact me via email/phone/fax.

 Research Papers

 Grants since 2000


  • Analyzing microarray gene expression data (with G.J.McLachlan and C. Ambroise), Wiley, 2004
  • Bayesian Inference for Gene Expression and Proteomics (with P.M. Mueller and M. Vannucci), Cambridge University Press, to appear 2006
  • Teaching at MDACC

    1. Cancer Biology Course 2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (GSBS Course GS01 0113) 3. Advanced Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Gene Expression and Proteomics Course


    Clustering of gene expression microarrays


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    Last Modified: October 2007